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Break Out Of Your Cocoon - Home businesses and the internet could be causing isolation and a dramatic drop in verbal, face to face communication.

Team Effort Tim Brown And VVA Bring Closure To Ngok Tavak - Tim Brown's long battle for Ngok Tavak is over.

Rhythm Strumming - If you are learning how to play the guitar, the basic 4/4 strumming technique is one of the first guitar playing techniques that you must be able to master.

Playing the Bass Guitar - Playing bass is plain and simple, just play the music from the heart, feel the piece and let the listeners enjoy the melody.

Kelly Clarkson Carrie Underwood American Idol Nashville Star Who Really Wins - Equipping yourself with the right marketing strategies and networking with others in your field is the most important thing you can do.

Guitar Lessons for a Christmas Gift - So, the guitarist in your life already has a guitar (or a few guitars) that they are happy with.

Did You Know That Music Is Based On Natural Laws - Did you know that music is based on natural "laws" -- like gravity -- and by learning to understand how those natural laws work we can actually understand what we are doing when we play -- we don't have to be at the mercy of what someone else has written on a piece of music?.

Hip Hop And Rap History And Development Drummers Guide Part One - Typically, Hip Hop music style consists of rappers speaking autobiographic tales, in an intensely rhythmic and melodic lyrical form.

Master Lead Guitar solos with Ease using Guitar Backing Tracks - Come along with us as we dive in to how you can master guitar solos by using backing tracks for guitarists.

Merengue Beguine And Bolero History And Development Drummers Guide - Merengue is the national dance of the Dominican Republic, officially promoted as such by the dictator Rafael Leonidas Trujillo Molina.

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